Scroopy Noopers by Green Dream is a modern homage to fictional environmental activist and son of King Flippy Nips in the terrestrial TV sensation ‘Rick and Morty.’ This strain was created […]
3C Sasquatch Sap is a unique and heady sativa, dishing out a strong meditative mental state from the onset that slinks down into the body. The aroma and flavor of […]
This strain is a true hybrid in that it is a 50/50 mix of sativa and indica. Mandala Seeds bred Satori by crossing Lucid Dream with another unnamed sativa hybrid. Satori […]
Savage Citrus Sunshine by Cereal Killer Genetics is a Citrus Sunshine Haze phenotype with potency on tap. Finishing in approximately 8 weeks and producing a dense crop of trichome-coated buds, […]
Savant’s Grail is a hybrid strain from Michigan bred by 710 Savant. The undertones of piney kush, diesel fumes and a sweet, candied flavor that helped it take home 2nd […]