Aceh, also called Atjeh, refers to the sativa varieties of cannabis that come from the Aceh region of Indonesia. These sativas typically grow tall and thin, and are considered the […]
Sour Joker is the stimulating sativa blend of Amnesia Haze and East Coast Sour Diesel (ECSD). This amped combination offers consumers a vigorous body buzz that is clear-headed and motivating, […]
White LSD is a heady sativa-dominant cross of LSD and White Widow Max. This strain flourishes outdoors, stretching outward and upward over its elongated 12-14 week flowering cycle. While White […]
Kaua’i Electric is a Hawaiian landrace sativa that has been cultivated on the Powerline trail near Mt. Wai’ale’ale, also known as the rainiest place on Earth. This hearty sativa exhibits […]